
Discovery and quantification of plastic particle pollution in human blood Leslie HA, Van Velzen MGM, Brandsma SH, Vethaak AD, Garcia-Vallejo JJ, Lamoree MH. 2022. Environment International 163, 107199

Plastic Particles in Livestock Feed, Milk, Meat and Blood: A Pilot Study Van der Veen I, Van Mourik LM, Van Velzen MJM, Groenewoud QR, Leslie HA. 2022. VU report EH22-01 48 pp.

Where is the evidence that microplastics are safe? Leslie HA, Depledge MH. 2020. Environment International 142, 105807

Propelling plastics into the circular economy - weeding out the toxics first Leslie HA, Leonards PEG, Brandsma SH, de Boer J, Jonkers N. 2016. Environment International 94, 230-234

When Technology Bites Back – What can we do about plastic pollution, as citizens and as analytical scientists? Leslie HA, The Analytical Scientist July 2019 pp. 14-15

Overview of known plastic packaging-associated chemicals and their hazards Groh KJ, Backhaus T, Carney-Almroth B, Geueke B, Inostroza, PA, Lennquist A, Leslie HA, Maffini M, Slunge D, Trasande L, Warhurst AM, Muncke J. 2019. Science of The Total Environment 651(2), 3253-3268

Plastic in Cosmetics: Are we polluting the environment through our personal care? Leslie HA. 2015 33 p. UNEP report

Review of Microplastics in Cosmetics: Scientific background on a potential source of plastic particulate marine litter to support decision-making Leslie HA. Jul 2014 VU report for Dutch Ministry of Environment and Infrastructure. 33 pp.

Sources, fate and effects of microplastics in the environment: a global assessment Anderson A, Andrady A, Arthur C, Baker J, Bouwman H, Gall S, Hildalgo-Ruz V, Köhler A, Lavender Law K, Leslie HA, Kershaw P, Pahl S, Potemra J, Ryan P, Joon Shim W, Thompson R, Takada H, Turra A, Vethaak AD, Wyles K. 2015 London, UK: International Maritime Organization. 96 p. (GESAMP Reports & Studies Series; no. 90)

T20 Task Force Circular Economy: Circular economy measures to keep plastics and their value in the economy, avoid waste and reduce marine litter Policy Brief for the G20, The 2030 Agenda Climate & Finance Trade & Investment 2017.  Ten Brink P, Schweitzer J-P, Watkins E, de Smet M, Leslie HA, Galgani F. 12 p.

Label-free stimulated Raman scattering imaging reveals silicone breast implant material in tissue Van Haasterecht L, Zada L, Schmidt RW, de Bakker E, Barbé E, Leslie HA, Vethaak AD, Gibbs S, de Boer JF, Niessen FB, van Zuijlen PPM, Groot ML, Ariese F. 2020. Journal of Biophotonics 13, 5, p. e201960197

Understanding microplastic pollution in the Nordic marine environment – knowledge gaps and suggested approaches  Jensen S, Grøsvik BE, Halsband C, Halldórsson HP, Leslie HA, Gunnlaugsdóttir H, Guls HD, Vorkamp K, Granberg ME, Sigurðsson V, Jörundsdóttir HO. 2022. Microplastics and Nanoplastics 2:22

Quantification of polyethylene terephthalate micro- and nanoplastics in domestic wastewater using a simple three-step method Tian L, Skoczynska E, Putten RJ, Leslie HA, Gruter GJ. 2022. Science of the Total Environment 857 (2), 159209

Endocrine, metabolic and apical effects of in utero and lactational exposure to non-dioxin-like 2,2′,3,4,4′,5,5′-heptachlorobiphenyl (PCB 180): A postnatal follow-up study in rats  Alarcón S, Esteban J, Roos R, Heikkinen P, Sánchez-Pérez I, Adamsson A, Toppari j, Koskela A, Finnilä MAJ, Tuukkanen J, Herlin M, Hamscher G, Leslie HA, Korkalainen M, Halldin K, Schrenk D, Håkansson H, Viluksela M. 2021. Reproductive Toxicology 102, 109-127

The world is your oyster: low-dose, long-term microplastic exposure of juvenile oysters Maes T, Barry J, Stenton C, Roberts E, Hicks R, Bignell J, Vethaak AD, Leslie HA, Sanders M. 2020. Heliyon 6, 1, e03103

Fragmentation of plastic objects in a laboratory seawater microcosm Gerritse J, Leslie HA, de Tender CA, Devriese LI, Vethaak AD. 2020. Scientific Reports 10, 10945

You Are What You Eat, Microplastics in Porbeagle Sharks From the North East Atlantic: Method Development and Analysis in Spiral Valve Content and Tissue  Maes T, Van Diemen de Jel J, Vethaak AD, Desender M, Bendall VA, Van Velzen M, Leslie HA. 2020.  Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 273

The analytical quest for sub-micron plastics in biological matrices Abdolahpur Monikha F, Vijver MG, Mitrano DM, Leslie HA, Guoe Z, Zhange P, Lynche I, Valsami-Jonese E, Peijnenburg WJGM. 2021. Nano Today 41:101296

Measuring Marine Plastic Debris from Space: Initial Assessment of Observation Requirements Martinez-Vicente V, Clark JR, Corradi P, Aliani S, Arias M, Bochow M, Bonnery G, Cole M, Cozar A, Donnelly R, Echevarria F, Galgani F, Garaba SP, Goddijn-Murphy L, Lebreton L, Leslie, HA, Lindeque PK, Maximenko N, Martin-Lauzer FR, Moller D, Murphy P, Palombi L, Raimondi V, Reisser J, Romero L, Simis SGH, Sterckx S, Thompson RC, Topouzelis KN, VanSebille E, Mira Veiga J,  Vethaak AD. 2019. Remote Sensing 11, 20, 10.3390/rs11202443

Stimulated Raman scattering simulation for imaging optimization  Zada L, Fokker B, Leslie HA, Vethaak AD, de Boer JF, Ariese F. 2021. J. European Optical Society-Rapid Publications 17, 10

Microplastics in drinking water: A review and assessment Eerkes-Medrano D, Leslie HA, Quinn B. 2019. Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health 7, 69-75

Below the surface: Twenty-five years of seafloor litter monitoring in coastal seas of North West Europe (1992–2017) Maes T, Leslie HA, Barry J, Vethaak AD, Nicolaus EEM, Law RJ, Lyons BP, et al. 2018. Sci Total Environ. 630, 790-798

Do microplastics affect marine ecosystem productivity? Troost TA, Desclaux, T, Leslie HA, van der Meulen MD, Vethaak AD 2018. Marine Pollution Bulletin 135, 17-29

Fast microplastics identification with stimulated Raman scattering microscopy. Zada L, Leslie HA, Vethaak AD, Tinnevelt G, Janssen J, de Boer JF, Ariese F. 2018. J Raman Spectr 2018, 1-9

Bioaccumulation of PCBs from microplastics in Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus): An experimental study Devriese LI, De Witte B, Vethaak AD, Hostens K, Leslie HA. 2017. Chemosphere 186, 10-16

Screening for microplastics in sediment, water, marine invertebrates and fish: method development and microplastic accumulation Karlsson T, Vethaak AD, Carney Almroth B, Ariese F, van Velzen MJM, Hassellöv M, Leslie HA. 2017. Marine Pollution Bulletin 122(1-2), 403-408

Microplastics Baseline Surveys at the Water Surface and in Sediments of the North-East Atlantic Maes T, van der Meulen M, Devriese L, Leslie HA, Huvet A, Frère L, Robbens J, Vethaak AD. 2018. Frontiers in Marine Science 4, 1-13 13

Microplastics en route: Field measurements in the Dutch river delta and Amsterdam canals, wastewater treatment plants, North Sea sediments and biota Leslie HA, Brandsma SH, van Velzen MJM, Vethaak AD. 2017. Environment International 101, 133-142

Plastic Debris Is a Human Health Issue Vethaak AD, Leslie HA. 2016. Environ Science Technol 50, 6825−6826

Do plastic particles affect microalgal photosynthesis and growth? Sjollema SB, Redondo-Hasselerharm P, Leslie HA, Kraak MHS, Vethaak AD. 2016. Aquatic Toxicology 170, 259-261

Results of WEPAL-QUASIMEME/NORMANs first global interlaboratory study in microplastics reveal urgent need for harmonization 2021. van Mourik LM, Crum S, Martinez-Frances E, van Bavel B, Leslie HA, de Boer J, Cofino WP. Science of The Total Environment 772, 145071

Decabromodiphenylether trends in the European environment: Bird eggs, sewage sludge and surficial sediments Leslie HA, Brandsma SH, Barber JL, Gabrielsen GW, Bersuder P, Barry J, Shore RF, Walker LA, de Boer J. 2021.  Science of The Total Environment 774, 145174

Tracing organophosphorus and brominated flame retardants and plasticizers in an estuarine food web Brandsma SH, Leonards PEG, Leslie HA, de Boer J. 2015. Sci Tot Environ 505, 22-31

Assessing the risk of persistent organic pollutants to top predators: A review of approaches Leonards PEG, van Hattum AGM,  Leslie HA. 2008. Integr Envir Assess Manag 4, 386-398

Crucial role of mechanisms and modes of toxic action for understanding tissue residue toxicity and internal effect concentrations of organic chemicals Escher BI, Ashauer R, Dyer S, Hermens JLM, van der Lee JH, Leslie HA, Mayer P, Meador JP, Warne MS. 2011. Int Env Assess Manag 7, 28-49

Comparing Laboratory and Field Measured Bioaccumulation Endpoints  Burkhard LP, Arnot JA, Embry MR, Farley KJ, Hoke RA, Kitano M, Leslie HA, Lotufo GR, Parkerton TF, et al. 2011. Integr Envir Assess Manag. 8, 17-31.

Serum levels of decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) in women from different European countries and possible relationships with lifestyle and diet Van den Berg M, Houba R, Leslie HA, Canton R, Thompsen C, Becher G, Alvarez-Pedrerol M, Sunyer Deu J, Steiner M, van Tongeren M, Brunekreef B, de Boer J. 2017. Environment International 107, 16-24

Toward the Integrated Marine Debris Observing System  Maximenko N, Corradi P, Law KL, Van Sebille E, Garaba SP, Lampitt RS, Galgani F, Martinez-Vicente V, Goddijn-Murphy L, Veiga JM, Thompson RC, Maes C, Moller D, Löscher CR, Addamo AM, Lamson MR, Centurioni LR, Posth NR, Lumpkin R, Vinci M, Martins AM, Pieper CD, Isobe A, Hanke G, Edwards M, Chubarenko IP, Rodriguez E, Aliani S, Arias M, Asner GP, Brosich A, Carlton JT, Chao Y, Cook A-M, Cundy AB, Galloway TS, Giorgetti A, Goni GJ, Guichoux Y, Haram LE, Hardesty BD, Holdsworth N, Lebreton L, Leslie HA, Macadam-Somer I, Mace T, Manuel M, Marsh R, Martinez E, Mayor DJ, Le Moigne M, Molina Jack ME, Mowlem MC, Obbard RW, Pabortsava K, Robberson B, Rotaru A-E, Ruiz GM, Spedicato MT, Thiel M, Turra A, Wilcox C. 2019. Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 447

Microplastic survey of the Dutch environment: Novel data set of microplastics in North Sea sediments, treated wastewater effluents and marine biota. Leslie HA, van Velzen M, Vethaak AD. 2013. VU Final Report R-13/11, 30 pp

Decabromodiphenylether and hexabromocyclododecane in wild birds from the United Kingdom, Sweden and The Netherlands: Screening and time trends Leslie HA, Leonards P, Shore J, Walker LA, Bersuder PRC, Morris S, Allchin CR, de Boer J. 2011. Chemosph 82, 88-95

POPs analysis reveals issues in bringing laboratories in developing countries to a higher quality level Van Leeuwen SPJ, Bavel B, Abad E, Leslie HA, Fiedler H, de Boer J. 2013.TrAC. Trends Analyt Chem 46, 198-206

Towards comparable POPs data worldwide with global monitoring data and analytical capacity building in Africa, Central and Latin America, and the South Pacific  Leslie HA, Bavel B, Abad E, de Boer J. 2013. J TrAC Trends Analyt Chem 46, 85-97

Endocrine, metabolic and apical effects of in utero and lactational exposure to non-dioxin-like 2,2´,3,4,4´,5,5´-heptachlorobiphenyl (PCB 180): A postnatal follow-up study in rats Alarcón S,  Esteban J, Roos R, Heikkinen P, Sánchez I, Adamsson A, Toppari J, Koskela A, Finnilä MAJ, Tuukkanen J, Herlin M, Hamscher G, Leslie HA, Korkalaine M, Schrenk D,  Håkansson H, Viluksela M. 2021. Reprod Toxicol 102, 109-127

Differential long-term effects of development exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls 52, 138 or 180 on motor activity and neurotransmission. Gender dependence and mechanisms involved Boix J, Cauli O, Leslie HA, Felipo V. 2011. Neurochemistry International 58, 1, 69-77

Tissue residue approach for chemical mixtures Dyer S, Warne SJ, Meyer JS, Leslie HA, Escher BI. 2010. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 7, 1, 99-115

Baseline toxicity of a chlorobenzene mixture and total body residues measured and estimated with solid-phase microextraction  Leslie HA, Hermens JLM, Kraak MHS. 2004. 23(8), 2017-2021

Biomimetic solid-phase microextraction to predict body residues and toxicity of chemicals that act by narcosis Leslie HA, Oosthoek AJP, Busser FJM, Kraak MHS, Hermens JLM. 2002. Environ Toxicol Chem 21, 229–234

Bioconcentration of organic chemicals: Is a solidphase microextraction fiber a good surrogate for biota? Leslie HA, Ter Laak TL, Busser FJM, Kraak MHS, Hermens JLM. 2002. Environ Sci Technol 36, 5399–5404

Drug therapy for the environment? (Farmacotherapie voor het milieu?) Pelikaan CHP, Leslie HA. 2002. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde 127(2):62-3 [in Dutch]

Exploratory study of emissions from waste water treatment plants (Verkennende studie naar lozing van microplastics door rwzi’s) Leslie HA, Moester M, De Kreuk M, Vethaak AD 2012. H2O: tijdschrift voor watervoorziening en waterbeheer 14/15, 45-47 [in Dutch]

Toxicological Profile of Ultrapure 2,2′,3,4,4′,5,5′-Heptachlorbiphenyl (PCB 180) in Adult Rats  Viluksela M, Heikkinen P, van der Ven LTM, Rendel F, Roos R, Esteban J, Korkalainen M, Lensu S, Miettinen HM, Savolainen K, Sankari S, Lilienthal H,  Adamsson A, Toppari J, Herlin M, Finnilä M, Tuukkanen J, Leslie HA, Hamers T, Hamscher G, Al-Anati L, Stenius U, Dervola KS, Bogen IL, Fonnum F, Andersson PL , Schrenk D, Halldin K, Håkansson H. 2014. PLoS ONE 9(8), e104639

Chronic toxicity and body residues of the nonpolar narcotic 1,2,3,4-tetrachlorobenzene in Chironomus riparius Leslie HA, Hermens JLM, Kraak MHS. 2004. Environ Toxicol Chem 23, 2022–2028

Hepatic effects of a highly purified 2,2´,3,4,4´,5,5´-heptachlorbiphenyl (PCB 180) in male and female rats Roos R, Andersson PL, Halldin K, Hǻkansson H, Hamers T, Hamscher G, Heikkinen P, Korkalainen M, Leslie HA, Niittynen M, Sankari S, Schmitz HJ, van der Ven L, Viluksela M, Schrenk D. 2011. Toxicology 284(1-3), 42-53

Decabromodiphenylether and hexabromocyclododecane in wild birds from the United Kingdom, Sweden and The Netherlands: Screening and time trends Leslie HA, Leonards PEG, Shore JF, Walker LA, Bersuder PRC, Morris S, Allchin CR, de Boer J. 2011. Chemosphere 82(1), 88-95

Effects of perinatal exposure to high purity PCB180 on rat offspring Miettinen HM, Heikkinen P, Korkalainen M, Antunes-Fernandes E, van Duursen M, Leslie HA, Hamscher G, Andersson PL, Halldin K, Hakansson H, Viluksela M. 2009. Toxicology Letters (Special Issue) 189, S104-S104

Certified reference materials for organic contaminants in sewage sludge - A feasibility study Krysell M, Becker R, Buge HG, Wegener JWM, Benanou D, Benali D, Ringstad O, Kvernheim AL, Leslie HA. 2008. Accreditation and Quality Assurance 13, 553-562

Assessing the risks of persistent organic pollutants to top predators: a review of approaches Leonards PEG, van Hattum B Leslie HA. 2008. IEAM 4, 386–398

United Nations Environment Programme Capacity Building Pilot Project—Training and interlaboratory study on persistent organic pollutant analysis under the Stockholm Convention de Boer J, Leslie HA, van Leeuwen SPJ, Wegener JW, van Bavel B, Lindström G, Lahoutifard N, Fiedler H. 2008. Analytica Chimica Acta 617, 208-215

HBCD in the environment and humans - a review and specific considerations Covaci A, Gerecke A, Law R, Voorspoels S, Leslie HA, Kohler M, Allchin C, de Boer J. 2006. Environ Sci Technol 40, 3679-3688

Temporal development of brominated flame retardants in peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) eggs from Southern Greenland (1986-2003) Vorkamp K, Thomsen M, Falk K, Leslie HA, Møller S, Sørensen PB. 2005. Environ Sci Technol 39, 8199-8206

Toxicity of azaarenes Bleeker EAJ, Wiegman S, de Voogt P, Kraak MHS, Leslie HA, de Haas E, Admiraal W. 2002. Rev Environ Contam Toxicol 173, 39–83

Development of an Index of Trophic Completeness for benthic macroinvertebrate communities in flowing waters Pavluk TI, A bij de Vaate, HA Leslie. 2000. Hydrobiologia 427, 135–141

Caddisflies, chromium contamination and the TRIAD assessment approach in a Russian river Leslie HA, Pavluk TI, bij de Vaate A, Kraak MHS. 1999. Proc Exper & Appl Entomol 10, 111-116

Triad assessment of the impact of chromium contamination on benthic macroinvertebrates in the Chusovaya River (Urals, Russia) Leslie HA, Pavluk TI, bij de Vaate A, Kraak MHS. 1999. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 37, 182–189

Effects of exposure to azaarenes on emergence and mouthpart development in the midge Chironomus riparius (Diptera: Chironomidae) 1999. Bleeker EAJ, Leslie HA, Groenendijk D, Plans M, Admiraal W. Environ Toxicol Chem 18, 1829–1834